nam quī dabat ōlim imperium, fascēs, legiōnēs, omnia, nunc sē
continet atque duās tantum rēs anxius optat, pānem et circensēs.
____ Juvenal, Satires 10.78-81
continet atque duās tantum rēs anxius optat, pānem et circensēs.
____ Juvenal, Satires 10.78-81
1. Know how to form and translate the Future Active Indicative.
2. Know the future tense sign for the 1st and 2nd conjugation and the future tense sign for the 3rd and 4th conjugation. (bi) and (ē) 3. Know how to form and translate the Future Perfect Active Indicative. 4. Memorize the future of the verb "to be" (esse). 5. Know that the the Future Perfect Indicative is usually translated in English as a Future. 6. Know about some of the common games (ludi) used to celebrate Roman holidays dedicated to the gods. 7. Know basic information about "munera" (gladiatorial shows). 8. Know why and for whom a "Triumph" was celebrated. |
Handouts and Worksheets
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