difficilius est prōvinciās obtinēre quam facere; vīribus parantur, iūre retinentur.
__Publius Annius Florus_Epitom. de Tito Livio, 2,2,xxx,29
__Publius Annius Florus_Epitom. de Tito Livio, 2,2,xxx,29
1. Memorize the different cases and genders of the relative pronoun.
2. Understand the relationship between a relative pronoun and its antecedent. 3. Know how to determine the necessary case number and gender of a relative pronoun. 4. Understand the importance of the gender in Latin nouns. 5. Know about the establishment of Roman rule in Britain. 6. Particularly know which kings and queens and peoples were friendly to Rome and which were not friendly. Common Test Errors |
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